Friday, July 6, 2012

Hair Inspiration

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I'm doing a quick re-dying of my hair this morning just to hide the blonde steaks that have appeared due to working away planting flowers in the sun. I always forget to wear a hat! So I thought I would put up some hair inspiration.
 The purple I come up with today will probably be a pastel. It's only for the weekend because I will be on my mini getaway to Niagara Falls with the electrician dude. He is taking me there for the first time! ♥ 
Next week when I have more time I will properly bleach my roots and get back to that deep purple that I am so very smitten with! This week has just been crazy. 

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Also here was my first seasons harvest of Black Eyed Susans. Took these beauties to the market this week and I sold every stem! : ) 

Have a lovely day! ♥ 

Lav. A 

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