Sunday, November 25, 2012

Late Night Randoms

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Sailor Moon pendant! I'm in love!! ♥ So happy it's finally here! 

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If I wear a sparkly mini skirt to work will I get in trouble?? Nope! Perk of owning an indie business: I can wear what I want and it stays between the soaps and I...and you of course. wink wink! 

Have a lovely evening! 

Lav. Alden

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Small Business Saturday & Cyber Monday Sale!

Greetings Lovelies! I had so much fun giving all my awesome customers a soapy sale on Black Friday that I have decided to get keep the sale going all weekend long and all the way till Midnight Cyber Monday! I will be staying close to my shop all weekend to answer any questions or take custom orders (those also get the sale price
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Also all weekend long at different times throughout the weekend I will be creating some amazing flash sales on selected soaps! 

Why buy handmade soaps for the holidays?? 
♥ Supporting Indie & Handmade 
♥ Awesome Stalking Stuffers 
♥ Great Hostess Gifts 
♥ Looks Festive by the sink at parties. (Who needs boring & chemical filled chain store soap. Umm Yuck!)
♥ Unique & affordable Gifts 
♥ Can get a custom blended scent if your looking for that extra thoughtful present
♥ Get some for yourself! : ) Combined shipping is a great deal! 

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Okay, now that I got the soapy business out of the way. I am gushing over the mega Black Friday haul I scored! I did a little in person shopping at Target to get gifts and such but then I did the real dirty work on my laptop from the comfort of my bed. I cleaned house at Modcloth, American Eagle, Forever 21, Delias, Romwe & Footnotes. I also went down to my favorite local dress boutique in Saratoga Springs called the Saratoga Sundress Company and got some super cute dresses all 50% off! The ultimate BFriday win was getting a glittery long-sleeved dress that was originally $90.00 for twelve bucks!! Got a lot of amazing pieces for my monochomatic wardrobe. ♥ I can't wait for my orders to get here! 

Did you get any amazing deals anywhere this weekend? I'd love to hear about it. I'm crazy for these online sales! 

Have a lovely day! 

Lav. Alden ♥  

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Hustlin in the Studio!

Finally we are getting some real Adirondacks snow around here! I can't play run around and chase the falling flakes till later though, le sigh le sigh. I have lots of soaps to make today.

I have created over 15 new cute soaps for the shop. They are all packaged, and they have all had their little photo shoots but I have had zero time to list them in the shop because it has been so crazy filling wholesale & favor orders. Also people buying in bulk for stalking stuffers keeps me recreating the holidays soaps, but who's complaining??? Not me!! : ) 

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Studio Stats: 

Currently Creating - 60 Elderberry Wine soaps. Which will be used as casting favors for a play called Spamalot. This is a really cool order because the awesome lady who ordered them requested a custom label that reads "You mother was a hamster & your father smelled of elderberries." Hilarious! I love that line. 

Beats - Surround sound is currently blaring Azealia Banks 212. We share a love of long colored hurrr & mermaids. 

Consuming - Fueled by Monster Energy Original! Lumberjack jokes he is gonna buy me a Monster fridge for the studio. I think that would be awesome. Then I could pretend like Monster Energy sponsored my artistry. Hey it could happen

Wearing - Rocking a lacy dress from the mothership ( forever 21 ) & some shoes that my boyfriend Jeffrey Campbell made just for me! All. Purple. Duh. 

Dreams - Snowboarding is on my mind with all these awesome flakes coming down. Hope I get to ride some powder this year, since last year not so much. The mix of the adrenaline when I'm snowboarding & listening to nature-scapes downloaded to my ipod from soundcloud really makes for some zen times for moi. Cosmic experience

Plans - I have made a deal if I get all these orders made and at least half of my new soaps listed in my shop I can go out for thirsty Thursday with my lady clan later tonight. So I guess I gotta quit blogging and get back to work! : ) 

Have a lovely day! 

Lav. ♥