Saturday, August 10, 2013

Shop Closed for August

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The shop will be closed for most of the month of August! (sad face) 

But it is all for good reasons! 

I decided to close for this month because there is just so much madness. First of all, we made a very tough decision and we decided it was time to move to a better school district for our children who need extra attention in school. We loved our little farm home but the school district there was horrible. So we packed up our home and moved a few towns over to a very amazing school district! 
Our new home has allowed me to set up Sweet Neon's soap studio right in my house so I don't have to pay anymore studio rental fees. Chicka-chicka yeah! 

Second of all. I needed to focus on preparing for the holiday season for the shop. Last season was awesome but I will admit things would have gone a bit smoother in the shop if I had planned things out a little earlier! 

Last but the most incredible is that I am getting married August 24th! Even though it is just an intimate ceremony there has turned out to still be quite a bit of planning and work involved. 

So all these things combined I decided there was no better time for a break! 

Have a lovely day! 

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