Thursday, October 6, 2011

Things I love Thursday

-So yesterday on campus was pretty interesting. Students at SUNY Cobleskill along with students in all the SUNY schools in the state walked out of class at 1pm & all met at a centralized location ( on our campus it was infront of the offices to protest tuition rises after the state decided to cut 300 Million dollars out of the SUNY system. This means less awesome classes to choose from, less student services, less teachers & it costing more to attend school. I think its way not cool the state goverment would choose millionaires over students. Im glad the students are fighting back & wanting to be heard. Its students like them that get shit done around here! : ) 

- I am also loving that I get a five day break from school starting tomorrow. Yayyyyy!

- I got a new hoop trick down lastnight when I was just goofing around in my apartment with my friends. I was super excited when I nailed it.

- The Bio test I have been stressing about all week turned out to be pretty easy & I knew everything that was on the test. Soooo glad I studied.

- I got to hangout with my best friend from home this week. I loved seeing her & catching up on boys & shenanagans!

Random things I love - Pumpkin Spiced Lattes, Breakfast Burritos, Purple nail polish with gold sparkles, Neon green chrysanthemums, Making silly putty with my friends, Gossip Girl reruns, Putting the Fleece sheets back on the bed for winter, The Harvest Festival, Leaves changing colors, New soap scents arrvied in the mail, James bringing me soup, Manchester Orchestra.

Hope everyone is having a great Thursday!!

Hugs & Wonderful Thoughts,

Lavender A. 

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