Finally picked up my purple flip flops from Old Navy for the season. Oh how I enjoy the crazy looks the cashiers give me when I buy 10 pairs of the same basic purple flip flop all the same color and size. It may seem a bit excessive but they get dirty so quick! I also picked up 5 pairs of the deeper purple wedge sandals.
My hair color is finally brightening up and the electrician dude is always amused at the plethora of compliments I receive when we are out and about. Makes all the time I spend on it to get it that way very worth it.
It's 90 degrees here in the Adirondacks. It's a killer trying to get all the baby plants in the ground with the sun beating down on me. I got up to get some work done before the sun got to hot but around 1 o'clock I just had to do some office work for a while to take a break. I will resume field work later in the day when it cools off. For now I'm organizing the next round of seeds that need to be sown, reading some floral design porn (Wedding Flower Magazines ♥ ) to get some inspiration for some up coming weddings I'm doing and working on some new label designs for some soaps I created last week. This is the time of year where it is crazy trying to run Sweet Neon Bath & Body and grow my cut flowers for markets and weddings. I guess that's how it goes when you decide to have a career outside of the box! Being able to tell myself to take Memorial Day off and spend it with my guy riding the motorcycles and BBQ-ing reminds me why I love being the boss. : )
Have a lovely day! ♥
Lav. A