Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Jeffrey Campbell Wanted G Mary Janes

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I spotted this sexy pair of purple velvety amazingness while on sole struck and wanted them right away but my smart consumer bone told me to wait. Sure enough a few months later they were on sale and I was thrilled. Ordered them right away. 
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I love that the little bows are removable and you can re-clip them anywhere! ♥ 
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The awesome thing is since they are mary jane style they have a very thick heel so I could comfortably wear these to my business classes or to a night out on the town. ( It's better for me to wear a thicker heel when drinking. hehehe ) 
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I have the perfect dress to wear them with that just came in yesterday. So maybe tomorrow I will do an outfit post with them! 
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I will be casting seeds all day in the greenhouse. Getting ready for all the beautiful flowers that will be  happening here this summer. ♥

Have a lovely day! 

Lav. A 

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