Thursday, May 17, 2012

Big Purple Bow

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This hair bow makes me extremely happy. Anytime I feel like my hair just won't obey me I pin it up into this fancy little style. I thought it fit perfectly with the shoes! I didn't put a lot with this outfit since the hair was so much. I figured it was best to leave it cute and simple. 
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I have been designing labels for new soap products in photoshop all night and morning. It is supposed to be sunny all day and hopefully when the electrician dude gets out of work we can take out the motorcycles. Yesterday it was hailing! How random is that?? 
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Well I'm off to go meet with a summer bride about her wedding flowers. I have a lot of weddings to design for this summer. If only mother nature would quit being so bipolar and let the sun come out the flowers would grow more quickly. Next week it's supposed to be nice out so just maybe I can all the little baby plants I have filled in the greenhouse can finally get put in the field. 
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Dress: Forever 21 
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell Wanted G from Sole Struck 
Hair bow done by me! : D 

Have a lovely day! 

Lav. A 

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