Wednesday, October 5, 2011


Hello Interwebz!

                        Heres a lesson in lifestreaming. : )

       I write in a journal currently & I also have a dream journal, idea book and radical self love bible but I loved the idea of doing some kind of online journaling. So when I read an article about lifestreaming I knew it was something I had to do!
What is lifestreaming??
Lifestreaming is the act of using the internet to track life events and thoughts to share with others.
     The beauty of lifestreaming is a person can share as little or as much information as they want. There are no real hard set rules about how lifestreaming has to be done. A lifestreamer can choose to use one kind of internet outlet such as a personal website or a blog or they can also use a whole slew of different social sites at once so they can organize parts of their life. 
     With my personal lifestream I have chosen to use my blogspot as my main way of sharing but also use sites such as facebook and twitter to keep in touch with friends, Live Journal as a place to make my daily lists ( which I love to do! ), my tumblr is used to share funny things I find on the web such a memes, sweet stuff I find on Stumble Upon, my Buzznet is used to keep track of my videos, craft and flower photos... You get the idea.
Why lifestream??
There are several reasons…
It helps track personal growth
It can connect you to many different people
It’s an outlet for creativity
It can be very therapeutic to send good energy out into the world through streaming
It can help you realize what you want in life and help you believe in things
      When it comes to my lifestream I have made a promise to myself not to put negative or mean things on my lifestream. I’m all about the positivity! : D
      One of the most awesome lifestreamers ever is Jessica Mullen, who inspired me to start. You can learn about her & more about lifestreaming here 
Also here is a really great interview she did with Gala Darling  

Hugs && Wonderful Thoughts,

Lavender A. 

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